This updated Privacy Policy reflects Shepherds Life Media’s commitments and obligations under the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Information Collected by Shepherds Life Media

To become a member of Shepherds Life Media, you must join and create an account on the Shepherds Life Media website. The only information that Shepherds Life Media collects is the information you provide through the Shepherds Life Media registration process. The personal information such as name & email addresses are used for community enrollment, communications rewards redemption, respond to a support issue and validation purposes.

Community members may be invited to participate in profiling surveys. Your responses to the profiling surveys helps Shepherds Life Media send you more relevant research opportunities. Survey participation, feedback and opinions are voluntarily. Shepherds Life Media helps facilitate the process of helping brands connect with consumers via research opportunities.

Shepherds Life Media community members are sent email invitations or reminders enabling members to voluntarily participate in research opportunities. Opportunity participants who qualify and complete a research opportunity will earn the full reward stated in the survey invitation or reminder.

Information Sharing & Disclosure

We DO NOT share, sell, or transfer your personal information to third parties without your prior consent, except as otherwise noted below:

Survey Responses: Your responses to survey questions are combined with those of other people and are tabulated only in the aggregate. Only non-identifiable and aggregated data will be shared with our clients. Any answers you provide to survey questions will remain entirely confidential.

Sale of a Business: We may transfer any information we have about you as an asset in connection with a merger or sale (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings) involving all or part of our business or as part of a corporate reorganization or other change in corporate control.

Information Provided to Third-Parties or Other Users (“shepherdslifemedia”) deals in large part with the Third-Parties. You may be asked by the Third-Parties to give them your personally identifiable information, either when you complete a survey, when you use their websites, or by some other means. shepherdslifemedia is not responsible for information you provide the Third-Parties, and you should read their privacy policies as well before providing them with any such information. Please note, unless otherwise stated, any survey you complete on will be with a Third-Party.

Any information you post on the shepherdslifemedia website or send through shepherdslifemedia’s Message Center may be available to other shepherdslifemedia users or viewers of the shepherdslifemedia website. shepherdslifemedia is not responsible for the information you post on the shepherdslifemedia website or for information you provide other shepherdslifemedia users, all of which you do at your own risk.

Legal Disclaimer

It is possible that shepherdslifemedia may need to disclose your personally identifiable information from time to time. Specifically, shepherdslifemedia may disclose any information it has about you to legal authorities, your Internet Service Provider, or other harmed parties without your prior permission, if shepherdslifemedia has a good-faith belief that such disclosure is warranted and/or necessary because: (1) you have violated shepherdslifemedia’s Terms of Service, (2) you have undertaken actions which are illegal, fraudulent, or otherwise harmful to shepherdslifemedia, its users, or the Third-Parties, or such disclosure is necessary (3) to conform to legal requirements or to comply with the legal process, (4) to protect and defend shepherdslifemedia’s rights in any legal, judicial or administrative proceeding; or (5) to enforce the Terms of Service.

The Third Party

This website uses Pollfish web plugin. Pollfish is an on-line survey platform, through which, anyone may conduct surveys. Pollfish collaborates with Developers of applications for smartphones and website owners in order to have access to users of such applications/websites and address survey questionnaires to them. This website uses and enables Pollfish cookies. When a user connects to this website, Pollfish detects whether the user is eligible for a survey. Data collected by Pollfish will be associated with your answers to the questionnaires whenever Pollfish sents such questionnaires to eligible users. For a full list of data received by Pollfish through this website, please read carefully Pollfish respondent terms located at By using this website you accept this privacy policy document and you hereby give your explicit consent for the placement of a Pollfish cookie in your system and the processing by Pollfish of the aforementioned data. Furthermore, you are informed that you may disable Pollfish operation at any time by using the Pollfish “opt out section” available on Pollfish website or by disabling “third party cookies” from your browser’s settings. We once more invite you to check the Pollfish respondent’s terms of use, if you wish to have more detailed view of the way Pollfish works works. APPLE, GOOGLE AND AMAZON ARE NOT A SPONSOR NOR ARE INVOLVED IN ANY WAY IN THIS CONTEST/DRAW. NO APPLE PRODUCTS ARE BEING USED AS PRIZES.

Users Located in Europe

If you are located in Europe, please be advised of the following required by the General Data Protection Regulation:

  1. shepherdslifemedia may provide the Service to Users located in Europe.
  2. In its interaction with European Users of the Service, shepherdslifemedia is a Data Controller such that we are the organization which decides the purposes for which and the ways in which any personal data that we have collected is used.
  3. You agree that we are entitled to obtain, use and process the information you provide to us to enable us to discharge the Services.
  4. Our lawful reason for processing your personal information will be "legitimate interests". Under "legitimate interests" we can process your personal information if we have a genuine and legitimate reason and we are not harming any of your rights and interests.
  5. We will process your personal data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner on only for the legitimate purpose of being able to provide the Service.
  6. We will only request, process and maintain personal information to the extent necessary to be able to provide the Service.
  7. We will keep in such form that, and only for the duration that, permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary.
  8. We will process personal information in such a manner that ensures appropriate security of the information, including protection against unauthorized processing and accidental loss.
  9. By submitting your personal demographic information, you are giving explicit consent to shepherdslifemedia to receive, process, and transfer to clients who request the surveys, competitions and initiatives through which the information is collected.
  10. You may withdraw consent at any time and request that your personal information be erased.
  11. You may request a copy of all personal information maintained about you and request that it be rectified in the event any information is incorrect.
  12. shepherdslifemedia is based in the Canada, and as such, you acknowledge and agree that your information will be processed and maintained outside of Europe.
  13. shepherdslifemedia maintains all records in their entirety until and unless the User requests account deletion, at which time we will delete all personal information without undue delay. If you request that we erase your personal information, you will be required to delete your account and will not be eligible to use the Service unless you open another account.
  14. Should you want to request a copy of the information we hold about you, or request that we delete all information, except as required by applicable law, please contact our Data Protection Officer here: Contact GDPR.

Use of cookies, log files and other technologies on our website

Cookies are small text files stored on one's computer by a website that assigns a numerical user ID and stores certain information about one's online browsing. shepherdslifemedia uses cookies on to help us provide community members and site visitors with a better experience and to provide quality control and validation functions. No personal information is stored on any cookie that shepherdslifemedia uses.

Some of the cookies that we use on our partners’ platform or ours are required to identify and validate a community member, and they protect access to a member's profile and account information. The privacy settings of your browser must be configured to allow cookies. You can adjust your browser's privacy settings to delete cookies upon exiting web sites or when they close their browser. Systems set not to accept cookies may impact how a research opportunity or member experience was designed to operate.

How to contact us

To ensure you are up to date with any changes to this policy, please see the last updated section of this policy. Questions regarding this policy, complaints about our practices and access requests should be directed to:
shepherdslifemedia Support Team,